INFOLIST - 90 CHURCH STREET - BOX 2517 - NY, NY 10008 ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ³ Version 4.0 ÛÛ ÛÛ ³ Version 4.0 ÛÛ CompuFreebies ÛÛ ³ ÛÛ ÛÛ ³ ÛÛ ÛÛ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Shareware Louis Puccio - President, Infolist. Author. New update! Now includes 77 companies, dictionary, new """"""""""" and improved freebies, new companies, antivirus, more booklets and non-computer free items. Press P to print every page. Press Shift and Print Scrn key to print only one page. F3 key to change colors. Press 1 through 9 move the screen down automatically. Press ESC key to exit and go to main menu. Search for any word or phrase by pressing the S key. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Here is your first Freebie! HOW TO GET A COPY OF YOUR CREDIT REPORT FROM T.R.W. CORP. Call this telephone number - 800 392 1122. Press 2. Follow the instructions exactly. That's all there is to it! T.R.W. is the only company that will send a free credit report. They do not mind at all sending this to you. They are perhaps the largest of all credit agencies. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Thanks for selecting this shareware file! This listing has something for virtually all computer users. 'CompuFreebies' is a valuable source of free information, product/technical help, promotional items and many other things for computer users. A major computer magazine - PC SOURCES - has reviewed an earlier registered version of 'Freebies' in their April '91 issue New Products section. The magazine staff felt it would benefit their readers and was carefully considered among hundreds of new products. This is not a novelty or gimmick item that is thrown away or used up. The resources offered here, knowledge gained and contacts made will continue to be helpful for years. This is one of the few shareware products that offers much more value in learning opportunity and material items than the price paid. Our registered version (described later in detail) is the largest centralized source of free items (1500+) in the U.S. available on disk. Most other listings of free items contain items that require a stamped envelope or 25 cents to $1.00. They usually don't have toll free numbers and/or complete addresses. This is not true with CompuFreebies. There is never any charge to request any of our items. One thing which is very important to remember and is also the main purpose of CompuFreebies is its educational value. It should be used as a resource to the computer industry. Although it's nice to have free items, it's also very valuable to learn about the type of products and software that exist and where to find the best information. ÛßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßÛÛÛ Û Û Û THIS FILE IS NOT TO BE POSTED ON ANY BBS OR ONLINE SYSTEM. Û Û UPLOADING THIS FILE TO ANY BULLETIN BOARD SYSTEM IS A Û Û VIOLATION OF FEDERAL COPYRIGHT LAW. Û ÛÛ Û ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß ////////////////////////////////////////////// REGISTERED VERSION SHOWS HOW TO GET FREE: o ADOBE TYPE MANAGER for WINDOWS. No cost! No 'catches.' Sold for $100.00 + in stores! o Also - get 5 Adobe font families - Courier, GillSans, Perpetua, Symbol and Times New Roman. (Bold, Italics also included.) Type 1 format. These are original Adobe fonts normally costing $80 or more. Yours FREE! Registered version shows how to get them. Totally legal. Given away as part of a promotion. Must have Windows on your PC or have quick access to Windows. Only need to use Windows one time to extract the fonts. After that, you do not need Windows to use fonts. o For users of True Type - registered version shows you how to receive free - 32 families of TrueType fonts. As above, totally legal and given away as part of a promotion. No special requirements needed to extract the fonts. o A complete, professionally written computer tutorial. 19 chapters (620K) of helpful computer information. o A free Mouse Pad. o Get a free camera. Yes, free. Not cheap! Sent in response to a quick survey. o Many more free items! (Visa/Mastercard accepted) ////////////////////////////////////////////// ÛßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßÛ Û Û Û GUARANTEE!!! Û Û Û Û GUARANTEE!!! Û Û Û Û GUARANTEE!!! Û Û Û ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ We're so confident in our registered version (and all of our other products/listings) that if any free item is not available, I will send you one or more similar free items in return. Everything is updated constantly, but if something was overlooked you should not be inconvenienced. If any other problems or questions, free unlimited phone support - forever. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" NOTE: You must write to me first before carrying this file in your catalog. Permission to carry file must be in writing. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" The last few pages of this file is a collection ofjokes. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" (c) COPYRIGHT 1993. LOUIS PUCCIO. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This file, COMPUFREEBIES 4.0, may be copied freely by anyone (EXCEPT onto electronic bulletin board systems) provided that no changes are made to this text file. Make as many copies as necessary. Author must be contacted before copies are made for distribution for sale. Price not to exceed $8.00 per copy. HOW IS THIS FILE ORGANIZED All companies offering free items are organized by software categories. In each software category (word processing, database, desktop publishing, games, magazines, spreadsheet, etc.) you'll find a company offering a free item such as a demo disk, or free information. ABOUT ACTUAL SOFTWARE. (Get yours right now!) One category here - 'actual software' lists a company that gives away free software. This is the 'real thing!' You actually receive software which can be used. No features are disabled. You install and use it on your computer just like any software you would pay for. As our thanks for reading this long documentation we've included an additional company that will send free software. Read the list of free items carefully to find it. In addition to the 79 actual software packages available from the registered version, there is one company that sends free for 60 days any of their mainframe-related software applications. There are a total of 300 applications available. ABOUT DESCRIPTIONS USED HERE Descriptions used here are a general guide and not meant to be a comparison or evaluation for any product. If you're seeking any good program it would be best to request the demo disks and product information for all programs (if more than one is listed) within that category and compare. Descriptions here are used mainly to help in asking for the free item. It's a good idea to study reviews found in many computer magazines to get the best idea of the features and capabilities of a product. EXPERT HELP, MAKING CONTACTS AND TOLL-FREE TECH SUPPORT You'll speak with the department most knowledgeable about the product. Sales or customer support reps. are very helpful and can answer most questions except the most technical. If a company has toll-free tech support the number is listed here. These numbers are not widely advertised and were obtained with a lot of effort. A lot can be learned, for example, anyone with an interest in networks can contact a network company that will explain some basics. Because you can speak with someone quickly and easily much more can be learned with less effort (and cost) than reading a book or manual. For many applications, e.g. Wordperfect, completely free tech. support is available. For those who prefer studying, the booklet category has companies that send good basic guides for most computer fields. DESCRIPTIONS OF SOME OF THE FREE ITEMS Examples of miscellaneous free items are tangible items such as paper, calendars, calculators, clocks, diskette holders, personal organizers, mugs, mouse pad, large envelopes, etc. Not all of these are available in the shareware version, however, I am using these as an example. Many companies send thick informative booklets and literature describing many computer-related topics. To educate their users they send basic 'How To' booklets. For example, titles read something like, "Getting The Most from Your PC, Network, Mainframe, Connectivity, Telephone, etc. (titles depend on the company.)" I carefully selected booklets which are truly informative and do not try to sell a particular product. You will really learn a lot from them. Many have basic definitions. Free computer magazine subscriptions are used to increase ad revenue. The ads found in these magazines deal with specific products and systems. These free magazines are specialized and appeal to a certain reader. They are an excellent source of information, news and events. Free admission to popular expos: These are large trade shows with many exhibits from companies all over the U.S. Normally admission at the show without an invitation is at least $10 - $30.00. As with other items, these passes are free to all callers. Free seminars are given to explain the basics of products and help potential customers understand products and services better. Practically all the expos and seminars listed in the here and in the registered version of CompuFreebies are not advertised any place else. Sometimes free software is given out to those attending seminars. I once received a free MultiMedia package. Electronic catalogs offered are on either CD Rom or diskettes. These are found in the electronic catalog section. Many sales brochures come in large folders for holding papers. Large envelopes can be re-used for other mailings. LEARN ABOUT COMPUTER PRODUCTS YOU NEVER KNEW EXISTED. A convenient listing of companies (such as this) with toll free numbers provides computer users with a great opportunity to explore and come across a solution or helpful product. Some companies with good products may not take out a full page ad (or any ad) in magazines or newspapers, therefore you may never hear about them besides here. We have many unadvertised free items and computer products listed, especially in the registered version. No purchase is required at any time from any company. Take as much time as necessary to review the demo disks and other material carefully. Only ask for what is really necessary as most things are expensive, especially for mail and handling. WHY DO COMPANIES GIVE AWAY SO MUCH? Quite simple - to help gain market share. AUTHOR AFFILIATION Author of this shareware file is not employed by any companies listed here or in any other listing available from Infolist. Author has absolutely no interest or gain in promoting any particular company. All company names, product names, trademarks, etc. are property of the respective companies. * * * >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<< BEFORE CONTACTING COMPANIES, PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING >>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< HELPFUL SUGGESTIONS Nearly all companies listed here and the registered version have toll-free nos. I have contacted each company and found the most direct phone numbers. As a result, time spent on 'hold' or transferred will be greatly reduced when you call. You'll reach the department directly responsible for the desired product. Often companies do not list their 800 number in ads or any other literature. But I've managed to find and include them here. This will save phone charges and time. Detailed instructions on what extension or number to press is included. The following will give good results in using this list. When someone answers the phone when contacting any company, the following short 'speech' is recommended: "I'd like to receive product information about _______" (name of free item or software title). If you've reached the switchboard operator you now will be: 1) transferred to sales, marketing, or product info. dept. or, 2) someone will take your name and address and send the item. Often the receptionist will quickly transfer you to some other area if you ask something about their product that sounds complicated. It's important, then, to quickly say you only want something mailed. This might often prevent a call from being transferred or placed on hold. If you're still transferred to another dept. you may have to start all over and ask, "I'd like to receive product information about_____ (name of item)". After a conversation with the company representative, when appropriate, mention the following: "Please include a demo disk (or other free item) also." This is better than quickly asking only for the item right away. Sometimes you might be asked, "Where did you hear about our product." You can reply, "From Infolist software catalog." Often you may not speak to a sales rep. as many companies are large so they have many people that just mail out literature. Companies are more than happy to send product information. They will send a demo, video, booklet, seminar registration etc. to any individual or company and sometimes will ask basic information such as your company name, address, department, and other things. Do not be concerned about being pressured to buy. You can say that you'd like a demo for now and will call back after reviewing it. Most companies do not call again, I've found. You can, if you like, let them know what you think of the demo, information or whatever else you receive. In fact, they would be very happy to hear from you and perhaps they can offer other discounts or services at some other time. It's a good idea to listen to the company representative as you can learn some good basic information about the computer industry and computer products in general, etc. I've found them to be very informed. However, if you're too busy you can quickly ask to have (whatever) sent and after reviewing it you'll call back. They may ask what use you plan to make for the software. One suggestion is to say you'd like the demo disk for evaluation for your own or company's use. Any item can be sent to your home address (ATT: your name). This may be faster than using your company address. You can still use a company name. Some companies may ask information about the type of computer you have. For example, a company that sells Network products may ask, "How many nodes does your system have?" Or, "What Server do you use?" A company that sells mainframe products may ask, "What type of hardware are you running?" One common mainframe is the AS/400. As for networks - Novell is a 'magic word' to use. If a question seems too technical for you to answer you can ask them to send the product information for now and will call back later with the answer. Or, you you can say that your job is not technical so you don't know much about the system but will be sure to forward the product information to the right people in your organization. However! I have chosen mainly companies that will not give you a 'rough time'. So you most likely will not have to worry about this. But I mention it in case you come across a company representative that happens to be in a 'technical mood' so to speak and you will be prepared. You may find it more convenient to receive free items at your home address. Here's one suggestion to use when giving the address: Your Name ATT: Your Company Name (or make up a company name) Your Street Address Your City and Zip code Let's say you come across a company, not necessarily any listed here, that will only send something to a particular type of company - a government agency, a manufacturer, oil company, etc. simply substitute an appropriate company or government agency name above in the ATT: line. Near the phone number in many listings you may see, 'Press 1, then 2.' You can press 1 as soon as you're connected and hear a recording. Then quickly press 2 once you hear the beginning of another recording. Once you get an actual person, follow the same instructions in the above paragraph. Usually, items will arrive very quickly. If not, after 15 days you can call again. To keep track, it's a good idea to note the date called and the date item was received. Also write down company contacts. Soon you will have a listing of helpful people and friends within the industry. Everything on this list is currently available however, free promotions don't last forever. But to make sure that an item is truly not available you can try the following: Call in about a half hour and request the item again to make sure. Perhaps when you called the first time you may have reached someone who didn't feel like filling out a form or thought that the offer expired. In some rare cases you might have come across a company that sends demos or other free items only if a specific advertisement or magazine is mentioned. If this happens, call again (it shouldn't happen but I mention it just in case) but do not repeat what was said the first time. You can mention that you heard about their product from any computer magazine, you're unsure where, or anything else you can think of - you happened to jot down their phone number a while ago but forgot what magazine. Also try reaching another company representative that handles some other region of the country. Remember to mark down when you called and if in 2 weeks you did not receive the item call back. Read on for phone tips and tricks. COMPATIBILITY All demo disks listed here will work with IBM compatible personal computers unless otherwise noted. SOME NEAT PHONE TRICKS. (Can be used in trying to reach any company you will ever call - not just those listed here!) In choosing companies for this listing, I made sure that anyone calling would not have any inconveniences or aggravation. If a company placed me on hold too long or transferred me too many times, or for whatever reason the free item was not easily obtainable, I did not include that company here. But I thought I'd mention some telephone tactics which might be helpful for those who spend a lot of time on the phone. If no 800 # is listed for any organization try calling 800 555 1212, directory assistance, before dialing a long distance no. There might be a toll-free no. available. However, you needn't worry about this here as only 3 of the companies listed here have no toll free number. The addresses are included. If you ever need to find more than one 800 number at a time, write down the company names and ask toll free information for a few numbers at one time. Compuserve also has a free area in their system for finding toll free numbers for any company. Usually, you must have know the exact company name under which the company has listed their 800 number when trying to find a toll-free number. Some companies may not want the general public to use their 800 number to keep costs down so they do not provide it (or advertise it) unless someone asks. When calling any company long distance and you're paying for the call, as soon as someone answers, quickly ask if they have a toll free 800 number. If they do, you can quickly hang up and call right back. In order to properly route calls to the sales rep. or dept. handling your region, many large companies will quickly ask (maybe before you've had a chance to say much!) where you're calling from, name, zip code, etc. After you hear the first question quickly say that you only want product info mailed Sometimes this will speed things up and they will take your name and address right away and send the item. Other times you will be transferred to some other area. But what happens if you get a voice mailbox, the phone just rings or you're told that "no one is available?" You can do the following: Try calling back again in a few minutes. This time say that you're calling from some other part of the country. For example, if the first time you mentioned that you called from California and got a voice mailbox or were on hold too long, this time say that you're calling from Michigan. You will then be transferred to the sales (or other company representative) for another part of the country. The person assigned to THAT area might be in. They naturally will assume you really live or work in that area. If asked how you happened to "get here to my extension or dept." you can say that the call was misdirected somehow but while you're on the phone, can you please mail product information or the item you want. Later you can call back and speak with the regular sales rep. that handles your region. Or, you can say that you're now travelling and would like the info mailed to your business address. I've done all the above and it does work. HOW TO AVOID BEING PLACED ON HOLD If placed on hold after dialing an 800 no. you might want to call again right away. After the 2nd time, or the 3rd or 4th!, you'll most likely not be placed on hold. You'll most likely reach another operator that's not so busy. Your time is too valuable to be placed on hold! Sometimes you may ask someone a question and they are taking much too long. If you hang up and call again, you may reach someone with more experience who will find the answer more quickly. If you reach a recording asking you to press a number on your touch tone phone, pressing '0' will often transfer you to the operator, even if the company's own recording does not mention this. When leaving a message on a voice mailbox by pressing '#' you'll usually hear some options. Often the company's own recording may not mention this. You can then save your message using the right number on your touch tone pad. Otherwise the message might be lost (not common but why take chances) if you just hang up. After saving you can then press 0 and be transferred to another area - all without having to redial and possibly be placed on hold. This should not happen when requesting any items here, however, I included it just in case. HOW TO KEEP PEOPLE FROM CALLING YOU BACK Sometimes a company may ask for a phone number. If you are very busy you can say any of the following - I am in the field often and can't be reached, I can't accept calls at work in the day, I am not near a phone, I can only accept calls after ______(fill in the blank with a time you're away; lunch hour, after work, etc.) One person I know would give a fax number out. The person calling would think this number was given in error. ABOUT TECH SUPPORT PHONE NUMBERS Toll-free tech support phone numbers, if the company has one, are listed here next to their regular phone number. Tech support departments for companies without a toll-free tech. support number listed may be reached by calling the long distance number. But try their 800 number listed first to make sure and ask to be transferred to Tech Support. Tech Support should be able to answer just about any question and help with problems using the company's product. However, speak with marketing, sales or customer service first. FOR MORE THAN ONE DEMO OR FREE ITEM If you have many computers, PC's or workstations, you can mention this and ask if they may send the desired amount all at once. They sometimes will say that you can make a copy of the demo disk. CONTACTING COMPANIES BY MAIL You can always write to request anything. Include the following in a letter: Your name, address, phone and name of software demo (or other items) you want. Always include your phone number so they can verify the correct mailing address if necessary. If you really don't want to be called, mention that there is no phone at your location. If you have a hard time getting through by phone you may want to write. Also, if you've called a few times and the item is unavailable, you can try writing as a last resort. However, I would recommend telephoning the company whenever possible. * * * //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// / If you know of a company that offers demos or other items / / and would like to be listed in future updates please send a note / / with appropriate info. / //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ÛßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßÛ Û Û Û Advertisements are being accepted. To learn more Û Û see main menu - How To Advertise. Note: Companies Û Û offering free items here are not advertisers. Û Û Û ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ Sysops, BBS owners, club Presidents and shareware dealers: See Video section for important info. To go there quickly search under the appropriate names: Sysops, BBS, Club Presidents and Shareware dealers. To print any of the following company listings, hold down the Shift key on your keyboard. While holding the Shift key, press the Print Scrn key, on the upper right part of your keyboard. Do not press P now unless you would like all the pages of this document printed. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" THE FOLLOWING LISTINGS MAY NOT BE ADDED TO OTHER 'FREE' TYPE LISTINGS FOR RESALE. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" COMPANIES SORTED BY PRODUCT CATEGORY: (44 Categories Total) ****************************************** An example of what to say: "Please send information about ACCOUNTING SIMPLY ACCOUNTING." COMPUTER ASSOCIATES ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄþ This is the name of their NEW YORK ³ software product. SIMPLY ACCOUNTING þÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Free items (in this case a 800 225 5224 Product Information. demo disk) are always found 516 227 3300 here, below the company name. CODA NH (State is always on 2nd line). 1155 ELM ST MANCHESTER, NH 03101 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE EVALUATION GUIDE 603 647 9600 Marketing Dept. BOOKLET Guide to evaluating financial accounting software. 42 pages. Call or write. ******************************************** ///////////////////////// The first time calling, if ACTUAL SOFTWARE a company asks how you heard about their products, mention SOFTWARE PUBLISHER'S ASSOCIATION Infolist catalog. WASH, DC //////////////////////// SPA AUDIT KIT This category, 800 388 7478 'Actual Software', 202 452 1600 is the ONLY one A DOS or Macintosh program that takes complete where you will find inventory of all software on your computer(s). real software. Helps manage and keep track of all software. Companies in other Tells you which programs and how many are on categories here offer your computer. various types of demo **************************************** disks and other free items. ANTIVIRUS NATIONAL COMPUTER SECURITY ASSOCIATION 10 S. COURTHOUSE AVE. CARLISLE, PA 17013 ASK FOR: General Information and catalog for the Natl. Computer Security Association. A Virus Prevention Tips Booklet will automatically be sent. 717 258 1816. (Call or write to above address). Booklet has helpful information about Viruses, how to prevent them, more. **************************************** BACKUP MAGNA COMPUTERS NH PRACTICAL GUIDE TO AS/400 BACKUP 800 258 5528 Marketing. Registered version 603 898 3555 shows you exactly A booklet that covers basics of as/400 backup. how to get Adobe AS/400 is a large mainframe computer. Type manager software *************************************** program free! Sold for $100.00+ in stores. BULLETIN BOARD SYSTEM (BBS) No catches! Creates (FREE MEMBERSHIP) great-looking documents. DRAGON'S NEST 619 449 7052 Supports modem speeds of 300 to 14.4 Bps SAN DIEGO, CA V32/V32 Bis) A WWIV AND ICENET BBS. JIM - OWNER/SYSOP. Communications expert. Helpful to users. Free membership to all callers. Call above phone no. Using modem. Many files including image (photo) files - GIF. Many other services and features. Friendly, easy to use. Can communicate with people all over the world right from your computer. BBS is connected to a world-wide network. Mention infolist when asked how you heard about their BBS. **************************************** BOOKLETS ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Booklets will always have³ ANHEUSER BUSCH ³ a description as each one³ MO ³ is unique. ³ 800 359 8255 Leave a message. ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ 1) TIPS FOR YOUNG DRIVERS 2) FAMILY TALK ABOUT DRINKING //////////////////////// As a public service, this company gives away Registered version 2 booklets for parents to help them talk has same categories to children about drinking. you see here. However, each category has it's own file. /////////////////////// BRIDGESTONE NJ I am especially proud 800 847 3272 of the Booklets category. 609 655 8412 Contains a huge amount of TIRE TIPS BOOKLET helpful information. A booklet that shows how to take care of your There are computer and non- tires - proper inflation, how to buy, spotting computer titles. and preventing wear. Note: This free item is also known as, "TIRE MAINTENANCE CHECKLIST." TOBACCO INSTITUTE See our catalog for NC description of 800 424 9876 HealthFreebies. 1000+ TOBACCO: HELPING YOUTH SAY NO (English or Spanish) health-related public- A booklet that helps parents keep children from ations available. smoking and discuss smoking with them. THE PRUDENTIAL GA 800 843 7625 Press 1, then 1. Ext. 46. GUIDE FOR RETIREMENT PLANNING A helpful booklet about finances and investments. NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE NY 800 422 6237 CLEARING THE AIR: HOW TO QUIT SMOKING Tips and advice on quitting smoking and keeping off the weight. ************************************************ CAD - COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN FORESIGHT RESOURCES DRAFIX 800 231 8574 816 231 8574 Has 2 demo disks, For Dos or Windows. Hi density. Remember: To *********************************************** print a small part of this listing CASE - COMPUTER AIDED SOFTWARE ENGINEERING hold the Shift key down and press I B M the Print Screen GEORGIA key. Don't press P. AS/400 CATALOG 800 426 2255 Press 1. 404 238 1422 Large paper catalog of all of their software and hardware products for the AS/400 mainframe. In the catalog is a form for a free plastic magazine organizer. Helps protect and keep magazines in good condition. ******************************************************* CATALOG ELECTRONIC Electronic Catalogs are catalogs on diskette. ELITE COMPUTERS Many companies design COMPUTER PRODUCTS CATALOG these catalogs so you can GEORGIA search easily for products 800 992 2171 and print order forms. 404 923 9291 Disk catalog of many computer hardware and software products. Registered version SSP DISTRIBUTORS and all of our products BOX 1506 - MERCER ISL., WA 98040 are GUARANTEED! If any Catalog is normally $1.00, However free item is unavailable, it's free only if you mention Infolist. I will send one or more Request in writing only. Catalog has similar free items as hundreds of software products. Low a substitute. prices. Sections for hard-to-find, unique, fun software. Many games, home business and educational products. Must use this code when writing: 1292LP. Include it in your letter. ****************************************************** CD ROM DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CO. NEW HAMPSHIRE DIGITAL CD ROM EXPLORER <ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ A free CD Rom 800 344 4825. PRESS 2. EXT. 720. disc is sent. 508 467 7760 """""""""""""" Introduction to benefits of CD ROM. CD also can be used on audio player! CD Rom you will receive has a flight simulator game. ********************************************** COMMUNICATION Get a free mouse pad from registered NY TELEPHONE version. COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM EVALUATION GUIDE 800 942 1212. OPERATOR 16 (Will ask for your business phone number.) PHONELIST (see our catalog) This booklet shows how to determine if your shows how to receive 30 system will be cost-effective. Also discusses minutes ($4.50) free credit service contracts. on your long distance bill. NO catches, no fees, no special time to call. Each ILLINOIS BELL month will receive FREE 800 274 5669 Press 1. an additional 30 minutes. MODEM REFERENCE MANUAL This booklet has basic information about your modem and how to communicate with it. Large booklet is sent - 8 x 11" and lots of info. ********************************************** NOTE: Registered COMPUTER CLUB version shows how to get FREE - a listing of HAL-PC 1,000+ computer clubs ATT: HARVEY HILD across the country. 1200 POST OAK BLVD. SUITE 106 Join a club near you. HOUSTON, TX 77056 One of the largest computer clubs in the country. Many benefits for members. Accepts members from any part of the country. Write to them and request a membership application. IMPORTANT: Must mention infolist when writing. Membership not free but still a great value. ****************************************************** /////BONUS ITEMS:////// CONTACT On the right are some items I decided to throw COMPUTER ASSOCIATES in at the last minute: NY UP TO DATE 800 225 5224 Product Info. 516 227 3300 ******************************************* DATA ANALYSIS SPIRAL SOFTWARE MASS. EASYPLOT 800 833 1511 617 739 1511 Bonus items can be Used for plotting. For technical analysis of found throughout data. Has graphics. Working Model. this section. Read all ********************************************** the way to the end! """""""""""""""""""""" DATABASE MICROSOFT WASH. ACCESS FOR WINDOWS Ask for part no. 098 39040, if necessary. 800 426 9400 206 882 8800 206 936 6735 B.B.S. Note: This BBS is Free of charge. BBS has a lot of information about DOS, Windows, Computers in general and all their products. Can download free. ************************************ DATABASE UTILITIES DATA ACCESS CORP. FLORIDA FLEXQL 800 451 3539 BONUS ITEM: 305 238 0012 Working Model. For Dos or Unix systems. TIFFANY & CO. 800 526 0649 DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORP. HOW TO BUY A DIAMOND NH Helpful guide. DEC QUERY/DEC REPORT 800 344 4825 PRESS 2. EXT 23W. 603 884 4825 They have a version for many machines. ********************************************* DESKTOP PUBLISHING Registered version shows you how to get 5 Type 1 PUBLISH! fonts free! Made by Adobe. CO. No 'catches'! 800 685 3435 Each font is normally Ask for - SAMPLE ISSUE OF PUBLISH! sold for $80.00 or more. MAGAZINE AND BOOK - '101 Best Desktop Publishing Tips.' Magazine and book are Also - 32 TrueType yours to keep. Can continue to subscribe font families. if you like. Free catalogs from many font ******************************************** companies available. Choose among many type styles. DOS UTILITY Registered version shows how to receive a free book - 300 pgs. GAZELLE SYSTEMS on how to improve the look UTAH and style of your printed OPTUNE documents. Many tips and 800 786 3278 suggestions for layout, form, 801 377 1288 style, etc. Optimize hard disk. Increase speed, defragment. THE COBB GROUP Receive a free offer of KY a half-ream (250 sheets) INSIDE DOS of high-quality 800 223 8720 X 726 8 1/2 x 11" white paper - 502 491 1900 in registered version. BOOKLET A newsletter with tips about the DOS operating system. Ask for sample issue. ********************************************** EDUCATIONAL/TRAINING TELETUTOR NH TELECOMMUNICATIONS TRAINING PACKAGE 800 542 2242 603 433 2242 Ask for general information on Telecommunications Training. This computer-based course covers communications concepts. ********************************************** EMAIL CC MAIL DIV. If you live in the MASS. Eastern time zone, CC:MAIL FOR DOS try calling Pacific 800 448 2500 PRESS 2. 800 562 4772 TECH. SUPPORT. zone companies at 617 577 8500 11am. MICROSOFT WASH. WHITE PAPER ON PC MAIL 800 227 4679 Press 0. Ask for Consumer Sales. 206 454 2030 206 936 6735 B.B.S. BOOKLET Learn about Email fundamentals. Ask for kit # 098 33354, if necessary. ********************************************** ENGINEERING BONUS ITEM APPLE COMPUTER HEWLETT PACKARD CALIF. CALIF. SNAPSHOT FOR ENGINEERING 800 553 1333 X 7440 800 635 9550 X 100 800 387 3867 in Canada 408 996 1010 MAXIMIZING PRINTING BOOKLET IN WINDOWS ENVIRONMENT Shows how Apple can help in engineering projects. Helps improve printing Ask for the booklet and Video. when using Windows 3.0 or 3.1. Tips, suggestions and advice. MICROSIM CALIF PS SPICE 800 245 3022 714 770 3022 Analysis of electronic circuits. ********************************************** EXPOS MICROSOFT WASH BUSINESS SOLUTIONS CONFERENCE AND EXPO 800 677 4697. Ask for Business Solutions Conference Information. 206 454 2030 Shows how companies use Windows efficiently. Can also see Windows NT in action. Conference lasts an entire day. *********************************************** GAMES ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Both of the educational games in this section ³ ³ have won the 1992 PC Magazine technical ³ ³ excellence award. ³ ³ ³ ³ The demo disks you will receive are Working ³ ³ Models and can be played. You will learn a lot ³ ³ about the academic subjects covered. The following ³ ³ titles were especially included here for their ³ ³ educational value as well as being fun to play. ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ NOTE: ³ KNOWLEDGE ADVENTURE (California) ³ Get 20+ game demo ³ 800 542 4240, 818 542 4200. Customer Service. ³ disks from our ³ ³ registered version. ³ 1) Title: KNOWLEDGE ADVENTURE - (Must ask for disk KA1) ³ Includes all Disney ³ explore the world of art, science, literature, ³ games. Also many ³ music, nature, architecture, geography and ³ posters of popular ³ philosophy. Uses photographs, illustrations, digital ³ games. Great for ³ sounds and text. Explore one idea and connect it ³ kids. ³ to another. For this demo and actual product you ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ need an IBM compatible PC, DOS, VGA monitor and hard disk. One hi density disk. 2) Title: ISAAC ASIMOV'S SCIENCE ADVENTURE - (Must ask for disk SA1) A whole new way of exploring chemistry, physics, biology, astronomy, ecology, geography and mathematics. This was written by Isaac Asimov. Investigate the major discoveries that have dramatically changed our world. Uses photographs, illustrations, digital sounds and text. Explore one idea and connect it to another. For this demo and actual product you need an IBM compatible PC, DOS, VGA monitor and hard disk. One hi density disk. ********************************************** INTEGRATED ENABLE SOFTWARE NY ENABLE 800 888 0684. PRESS 1. 518 877 8600. 1 hi density disk is sent. ********************************************** INVENTORY TALLY SYSTEMS CORP. PC CENSUS/NET CENSUS NH 800 262 3877 Sales 603 643 1300 Automatically maintains full hardware and software inventory. Sends hi density diskette. Working Model that you will receive allows you to maintain an inventory on up to 5 PC's. Identify exactly what programs have been installed on a PC. ********************************************** MENU ORACLE CALIF. SQL MENU 800 562 0720. PRODUCT INFORMATION. 800 392 2999 TECH. SUPPORT. 415 506 7000. There is a version for many machines and platforms. ************************************************ MAGAZINES ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³Many free magazines ³ PC WORLD - LOTUS EDITION ³and free subscript- ³ 800 825 7595 (see below) ³ions available from ³ 303 447 9330 ³our 'MAGAZINE LIST' ³ ³AND 'SUBSCRIPTION ³ ³LIST.' See catalog ³ Ask for: SAMPLE ISSUE OF PC WORLD/LOTUS EDITION, ³at the main menu. ³ AND DISKETTE OFFER - BEST OF LOTUS DISK. ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Will receive a collection of 15 ready to use Spreadsheet business templates with your first issue of PC World. Will also receive a helpful booklet of common Lotus 123 commands. Templates are on a diskette and can be used with your Lotus spreadsheets. Simply copy them to your computer and they're ready to use. Very helpful utilities. If you decide that you don't want further issues, cancel at any time and the disk, template and free issue are yours to keep. Make sure to mention "diskette offer" after requesting sample issue. **************************************************** MISCELLANEOUS OFFICIAL AIRLINE GUIDES 800 342 5624 Ask for sample issue of - OFFICIAL AIRLINE POCKET GUIDE This is a thick booklet showing complete information about traveling in the U.S. or International. Contains flight schedules, airline information, hotel info, car rentals, lots more! MERRILL LYNCH NJ 1) TAX SAVING IDEAS 2) HOW TO CUT YOUR BUSINESS TAX BILL 800 637 7455 EXT. 9316 Two free booklets showing ways to save taxes. Ask for one or both. APPLETON PAPERS WISC. Ask for: FREE ROLL OF OPTIMA RECOVER FAX PAPER. 800 922 1730 414 734 9841 Will send you a free roll of their Fax paper. (Same paper sold in stores.) ILLINOIS BELL 800 274 5669 Press 1. HOME OFFICE FAX BOOKLET This booklet has basics about Fax machines for the home and what features to look for. Good descriptions. CURTIS 1000 800 766 1007 404 951 1000 POSTAL RATES AND INFORMATION GUIDE Has all the U.S. and foreign postal rates and helpful information. ********************************************** MULTIMEDIA MICROSOFT WA 800 227 4679 Press 0. Ask for consumer sales. 206 882 8800 1) LEARN MULTIMEDIA A booklet that covers fundamentals of Multimedia. If necessary, ask for stock no. 098 51298. 2) WIN MULTIMEDIA LINE A booklet that describes all of this company's Multimedia products and how they can help. If necessary, ask for stock no. 098 51802. ************************************************* NETWORK INTEL CALIF. NET SIGHT PROFESSIONAL ANALYZER 800 538 3373. PRESS 2. 408 765 8080. Ask for product information on NETSIGHT PROFESSIONAL ANALYZER. Will receive a helpful booklet with network definitions and a glossary of network terms. Make sure to ask for demo disk. NETWORK JOURNAL See main menu for CALIF. list of magazines that 800 950 0523 offer free lifetime 415 905 2200 subscriptions. Each is STACKS: NETWORK JOURNAL MAGAZINE good source of helpful Ask them to please send a form for a free information. subscription to this magazine. Covers many areas dealing with networks. Subscription is lifetime. ********************************************** O C R Registered version shows how to receive NMC TECHNOLOGIES a Guide To Netware CO book. 19 large chapters IMAGINE to help with many network 800 466 2832 problems. $30+ value in 410 356 1444 stores. Working Model. EPSON AMERICA CALIF. WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT SCANNING 800 289 3776 REPRESENTATIVE 70 310 782 0770 BOOKLET Basics of scanning equipment, software, more. ********************************************** PAINTBRUSH SOFTWARE PUBLISHING CALIF. HARVARD DRAW 800 336 8360 415 962 8910 Sends a hi density diskette. ********************************************** PAPER CATALOGS As stated earlier, if anyone says that an item is unavailable, try GOVERNMENT TECHNOLOGY SERVICES calling later. MASS. GOVERNMENT COMPUTER BOOK/GSA CATALOG 800 999 4874 617 245 3768 Descriptions of 2000+ microcomputer products, software comparisons, helpful information. They may ask if you are with a government agency or a government contractor. FREDERICK'S OF HOLLYWOOD Registered version CALIF. lists computer and 800 323 9525. non-computer catalogs. 310 637 7770 CATALOG Catalog features clothing for women and also some men. Unique and many informal styles. Comes with coupon (up to $10.00) for use when ordering. COMPETITIVE EDGE CALIF. CATALOG 800 627 0600 408 522 3232 Colorful catalog of hot bathing suits and swimwear for women and also men. Also other leisure clothing. ********************************************** PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT INTEGRAL CALIF. H.R.I. 800 824 8199 415 939 3900 *********************************************** POSTERS SHREDEX NY SAVE OUR WORLD POSTER 516 345 0300 Environment-related poster. Call or write to: SHREDEX, 49 NETCON DR, SHIRLEY, NY 11967 W.A. CHARNSTROM WISC. PONY EXPRESS LIMITED EDITION PRINT 800 328 2962 612 944 8555 Art print of a famous painting by David Thatcher. 17" X 14". Comes with booklet about history of Pony Express. NOTE: Many posters available directly from game companies listed in our registered version. Many colorful, action scenes - jets, dragons, fantasy scenes, etc. HealthFreebies, another of our products, has 100+ health-related posters. ********************************************** PRESENTATION WORDPERFECT UTAH PRESENTATION 800 451 5151. 800 541 5096 TECH. SUPPORT. 801 225 5000. Working Model. Can design some actual presentations on your computer. On the disks you will receive is an excellent tutorial on how to make good Presentations. ********************************************** PROGRAMMING MPB SOFTWARE & SYSTEMS CALIF. SQL REPORT WRITER 800 231 6342. PRESS 1. 800 346 4848 IN CA. 415 769 4746. Prepare reports from an Ascii file. Knowledge of SQL Programming not needed to use this software. Will receive, with product information, a booklet which is a basic guide to SQL language. Working Model. ************************************************ PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMPUTER ASSOCIATES Registered version NY shows how to get a 295 pg. SUPERPROJECT book on project planning 800 225 5224. PRESS 1. and control. Helpful 516 227 3300. guide to project management. One demo disk for DOS or Windows version. ************************************************ SECURITY AZ TECH SOFTWARE 1) EVERLOCK 2)EVERTRAK 3)EVERKEY 800 227 0644 816 776 2700 Each product helps protect against unauthorized copying of software. 1 Demo disk for all 3. 3 COM CALIF DESIGNING MORE SECURE LANS 800 638 3266. Press 2. Tech Supp: 800 876 3266 408 764 5000 BOOKLET Shows how you can improve your network security. ************************************************* SEMINAR LOTUS MASS. WINDOWS WORLD TOUR Note: This seminar, Windows World 800 327 6148 Tour, is scheduled a few times per 617 577 8500 year. Make sure to ask when the Discusses 123 spreadsheet for next World Tour is scheduled in Windows, Freelance Graphics, Ami Pro, your area. CC:Mail, Lotus Notes - this company's popular products. Learn a lot about using these software products. ********************************************** As part of their seminars, many companies offer SPREADSHEET free meals and drinks. Some have seminars in the LOTUS most expensive places. CO For example, in New York 123 FOR WINDOWS REPORT one company has a seminar 800 678 1278 at Windows On The World, BOOKLET one of the top restaurants Has tips, help, how-to article for 123 in New York. Free actual spreadsheet users. Ask for sample issue. software is also given out *********************************************** occasionally. I once received a complete Multi- media package free. STOCK MARKET EQUIS INTERNATIONAL PULSE 800 882 3040 801 265 8886 Helps manage your investments. ********************************************** WORD PROCESSING There is one more bonus item I B M left! Guaranteed GEORGIA very useful. DISPLAYWRITE Please keep reading 800 426 9402. Stay on line. 800 426 7763. TECH SUPPORT. 404 238 3000 ********************************************** ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º º º º º REGISTRATION INFORMATION º º º º º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ One concern of shareware users is, "Why should I register my file and what do I receive in return?" The primary concern of all shareware authors is that you, the shareware user, find our files useful and valuable. Just from contacting the companies here with little effort there is a lot that you can receive. You already are familiar with the wide variety of items and information available in this shareware version. But what exactly is in the registered version and why do I feel it is well worth the price of registration?" Following is some of what is available in the registered version and ALL free with NO 'catches' or obligation: o 1,000+ demo disks o All free items guaranteed by author. Will send one or more free items if anything is not available o 385 helpful booklets - not sales literature or advertisements, some with over 285 pages. o 34 free passes to Expos all over the country (passes bought at the 'gate' are at least $15 each.) o A free quality camera from a major manufacturer o Easy to use colorful menu system - locate and search by company, product name, or search with your own words or phrases. o Unlimited free support from author - forever! Call directly for any problems or questions. o 79 Actual software programs - not demos. o 1 megabyte glossary of computer terms. 300 + pages. Read from main menu. o 19 chapters (620K) of helpful computer information. A complete, professionally written computer tutorial. Yours free just by writing. o 60 day free evaluation of 300 mainframe applications o 1,000 computer clubs o 300 page book on writing good documents, formatting, design, style, etc. o 19 chapter book, $35 value - yours free - on Novell networks. o Adobe Type Manager - a commercial software program - $100 value o 102 seminars on helpful computer topics. Meet in top quality hotels and locations. o Free breakfasts in fancy hotels when attending seminars o Package of 250 sheets of 8 1/2 x 11" quality copy paper o Additional packets of paper from 5 other companies o 11 computer related magazines o Listing of organizations and locations for free health care o 32 TrueType Font families o 5 Type 1 Postscript Font families (normal price for each font is $80.00. Courier, GillSans, Perpetua, Symbol and Times New Roman. (Bold, Italics also included.) Note - these fonts are from the major font manufacturers! No imitations. o 90 day trial of home postage meter machine o Non-computer free items such as - calendars, pens, binders, a mug, desk digital clock, small calculators, CD Rom holder, facial moisturizer, 10 day free rental of a CD Rom player, plastic report covers, vinyl folders, ruler, sample of optical fiber cable, coupons, vinyl diskette holder for 8 disks, 45 rpm record, towel, room deodorizer, can of rust preventer, magnetic tape head cleaner, tape dispenser, packet of Post It notes, bookmark - gold plated!, self- adhesive labels, letter opener, small wallet with 2 thin calculators, stationery (packet of envelopes, sample letterhead), coupons for cat and dog food, more. o 90 Days trial for home electronic scale - for postage o A disk with up to the minute flight and airline information. Can search in many ways. Every flight in the U.S. o Discount coupons for Florida tourists. For hotels, restaurants, entertainment, etc. o 20 hours of live stock market information - available through your modem o Postcard samples o Large hotel and travel planners o Free ad in a magazine for job seekers o Coupons for film - $9.00 total o Free mouse pad o Clipart worth $150.00 - same package sold in stores o 25 game demo disks - some of which can be played as an actual game o Screen cleaners o Can of spray-duster o 735 computer companies listed in mailing address format o T-shirt o Toll-free tech support numbers to top companies o 8 free membership BBS's. o hi density diskettes clearly indicated o re-usable large, padded envelopes and diskette mailers o 19 Videos - with attractive cases o From author receive notification of future updates, sample photo-images (GIF's - G rated) and 3 fun shareware programs. A total of 1500 free items. You may be thinking, "How can companies give away so much?" Don't they go broke? The fact is that market share is very important, especially in a competitive area such as computers and office supplies. For example, I recently bought 10 reams of quality 8 x 11" paper for $17.79 - that's $1.79 per ream. Even without the $10.00 coupon the price is normally $3.29 - with free postage. A listing of companies offering quality, inexpensive products would be quite huge. Perhaps in the future I may have a listing of places to get rock bottom computer equipment, office supplies and other things. The other thing to remember is that there are hundreds of thousands of companies out there all competing for scarce customers. 735 companies offering free items seems large but in comparison to the total number of companies in the U.S. 735 is not that great. But what about the quality of these free items? You may wonder. Most companies that give away items on a national scale and can afford an 800 number, postage, etc. to send them out are actually large. There are many Fortune 500 companies in the registered version. If companies gave away a cheap pen, poster, tape dispenser, booklet, etc. how would that look for the company? Not very good. Of course, you won't get a Parker pen but interestingly enough they're very good. I have found that free does not mean cheap. Also, there is a lot of goodwill created with promotions and 'giveaways.' But what about those demo disks - diskettes are inexpensive today. The main point about demo disks is - what is on the disk that can be used, not so much the actual plastic media. Many demo disks come with tutorials about the software category - for example - WordPerfect's Presentations working model comes with a large tutorial about Desktop publishing and creating great looking documents. Working Models have the best information and there are many of these listed in the registered version. A good rule of thumb is that if you have a working model of any software program - Word Processing, Printed Circuit Board design, Desktop publishing, Databases, Utilities, Network-related, etc. you WILL without a doubt learn a great deal from the disk and the large manual that comes with it. Working Models have many features, and most companies send a very large manual. This is so that you have everything you need to evaluate their product. As a side note, some companies send out 5 or more hi density demo disks at one time as part of their evaluation working model. Will the free items you receive be available? Everything is GUARANTEED. No questions asked. Everything is updated constantly, however, if there is an item you'd like but is not available I will send free of charge one or more free items. Also, support is unlimited. Call for any problems or questions. What about the phone numbers and addresses in the list? Are they accurate? Because the information is on a diskette it is easily updated. Many free item listings are on paper. They are not easy to update. Also, many other "Freebie" listings out there require a stamped, self-addressed envelope, or 25 cents to $3.00 to obtain the 'free' item. With our listing all you need is a telephone, some time and a large mail box. Many people have registered in the few years that CompuFreebies has been around. Not one person has complained or been dissatisfied. That includes orders for paper listings. Finally, one way to know for sure whether the $20.00 price for registration is really worth it to you is to do the following. For each of the items described above next to the small 'o' place a dollar value. What is each item worth to you? For example, nearly everyone uses film. Right there you have 'gotten back' $9.00 of your $20 investment. You may not use Clipart but paper is always handy. 250 sheets goes for about $2.50. If you use fonts then you have easily $500.00 worth of valuable typefaces. You get the idea - simply go down the list and assign your own value to each item. Although this is a quick way to see what the registered version is actually worth to you - there is something that is not so easy to measure right now - the value of what you can learn over the years. That is something you will find out over time by using the registered version. I can guarantee you that you would have more than enough computer-related information to keep you busy for quite a while. SOME ACTUAL DESCRIPTIONS OF FREE ITEMS LISTED IN THE REGISTERED VERSION These are only a few of the actual descriptions of free items from the 'Booklets' category: (Total No. of free items is 385) - 54 pages. Basics of using Windows 3.1 On a network. $25.00 Value - free! - Free book - "People, Managing Your Most Important Resource." - 20+ Demo disks for national-brand video games. - monthly report of every software upgrade reported. by manufacturer. With names, addresses, prices. - A free tutorial. $20.00 Value. Fully explains decision tables in programming. - Basics about PC maintenance. - Booklet describing some basics of law. - 74 Pages. Basics of database servers, sql, client server, concurrence, measurement, lots more. - A 75.00 Value. Describes many things about case. - Free - 470 pgs. Has listings of truly portable software for 88000 RISC processor hardware. - Sample issue of magazine related to windows. Help, tips, stories, ideas, more. Following are some descriptions of Seminars: (102 Total). - basics of communications and frame relays. - yearly seminar - april. Discusses how to build client/server applications that run in Windows. - data integration. - describes SCO Zenix Operating System. - discusses all their Windows software and how it can help. - implement an open systems strategy, choose between many operating systems, integration, application development. - describes software which streamlines application development process. - describes data management systems, client/servers, open integration, on-line data management. 3 Hrs. - discusses graphical user interfaces, intelligent gateways, application development, more. - discusses networks. Some companies give away software to those who attend. Many have free lunches or breakfasts. See registration form for ordering information. 5.25 or 3.5" DOS/IBM Compatible disks sent. HOW IS THE REGISTERED VERSION ORGANIZED The registered version is ordered exactly the same way as you see here (with many more companies!) except that each of the 52 categories can be selected from the main menu. You would select the file you're interested in. Don't have to search through one huge file! In addition, the registered version has 2 more ways (besides Categories) in which the companies are organized: 1) A large file with names and addresses of each company - in mailing list format - 735 computer companies. For example: AZ TECH SOFTWARE 305 E FRANKLIN RICHMOND, MO 64085 COMPUTER ASSOCIATES 711 STEWART AVE. GARDEN CITY, NY 11530-4787 (Continued for a total of 735 companies.) There is no other computer program for the price which has 735 top computer companies listed neatly for use as a mailing list. One more bonus item left! Keep reading...well worth the effort. """""""""""""""""""""""" ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Our addresses are the best for obtaining ³ ³ information about all products found in ³ ³ Compufreebies. Sales/marketing or product³ ³ information dept. can be found there. ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ 2) All companies listed in alphabetical order showing all free items/demos in one convenient place. This is especially helpful when one company has many products and free items. You can easily inquire about many of the different products a company has with only one call. For example: COMPANIES A: ABC SOFTWARE CO (state abbreviation) SPEEDY 800 555 1212 303 555 1212 MISC (name of software category). Helps your computer run twice as fast. COMPANIES B: BIG APPLE SOFTWARE NY FILE WIZARD 800 555 1212 212 555 1212 DOS UTILITY Allows files to be accessed faster. COMPANIES C: COMPUTER ASSOCIATES Note: If a company offers more than NY one free item, all items would be ACCPAK SIMPLY listed one right after the other. ACCOUNTING. 800 645 3003. PRESS 1. 516 227 3300 (Continued for a total of 735 companies) There is NO other listing in the U.S. such as this available on diskette. Complete addresses and phone numbers of almost every major computer company in the U.S. is available. Each company's free items (over 1500!) and major products are listed. Windows, DOS, MAC and most computer systems, including mainframes, are supported. Each company can be contacted by phone or letter to request info or free items which they'll gladly send. Most companies listed have toll-free numbers. To print our catalog press ESC key and go to CATALOG section on menu. Can print catalog from there - only 5 pages. Do not press P now, or you will print this entire 42 pages. Special thanks to Jim Horowitz and Jim Hood for their many suggestions and tips. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ³ ³ COMPLETE CATALOG OF INFOLIST PRODUCTS ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ NOTE: Feel free to order our paper listings for now while you decide whether to register this shareware file. Keep a copy of the Registration/Order form to register later. Paper listings are laser printed. Everything guaranteed! No matter what you order, free support and one or more freebies sent as a substitute if anything is unavailable. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 1) CompuFreebies - REGISTERED VERSION. A listing of hundreds (over 1500!) free items you can quickly receive from 735 companies, most with toll-free numbers. Everything is free and yours to keep with no obligation. All free items guaranteed available or substitute sent. Organized into 52 different computer categories including actual software. Yes, many companies do give away free, working software to the public as a promotion. One company gives away $150.00 worth of clip art (computer images to be put into your documents)! No 'catches.' Get a free copy of Adobe Type Manager software $100.00 + value free. Get a complete, professionally written computer tutorial - 19 chapters (620K) of helpful computer information. Get 5 Adobe font families - Courier, GillSans, Perpetua, Symbol and Times New Roman. These are original Adobe fonts normally costing $80 or more. Also receive 15 families of TrueType fonts! All fonts are given away as part of a promotion. Get a free half-ream (250 sheets) of 8 1/2 x 11 white paper. A free quality camera from a major company when responding to their survey. However, you must know the proper instructions as detailed in 'CompuFreebies.' 385 helpful booklets on many computer (and some non-computer) topics. 102 seminars and 34 expos. Also shows how to get a computer listing of 1,000+ computer clubs across the U.S. - free. Largest source of free computer-related items in the U.S. There are also many free and helpful booklets, CD Roms, CD holders, game demo disks, posters (including posters from game companies), computer magazines, vinyl organizers, free membership BBS's, lots more! Shows exactly how to receive free tickets to large computer expos, trade shows and company seminars. All neatly organized with complete company addresses and phone numbers. Alphabetical listing of each company and their free items also included. Yet another listing of 735 computer companies with only company name and addresses to be used as a mailing list. Also a 'surprise' section with some photo-image files (see actual photos on your screen) and fun shareware programs. (Price - $20.00, includes postage in the U.S. and Canada. Overseas add $2.50 for airmail.) 5.25 HD, 360K or 3.5" IBM/DOS compatible diskettes. All companies can be called from any phone in the world. 2) HealthFreebies - REGISTERED VERSION. A listing of over 1300 free health-related items you can quickly receive from the top health organizations and associations in the U.S. Most have toll-free numbers. Everything is free and yours to keep with no obligation. All free items guaranteed available or substitute sent. All common health categories covered including list of hospitals across the U.S. that provide FREE health care for children including major operations. It's true - no catches! A large section on dog care - 400+ pages. 35 pages of bird health and care. Also receive samples of health products directly from companies. 1200 free booklets on almost every health topic including 100 booklets on drugs and drug prevention, 51 on cancer, 119 on sex transmitted diseases including AIDS and 38 on alcohol. All information and free items organized into 51 topics and categories. Catalog numbers included. Receive actual books of over 400 pages. Also detailed research reports, statistical reports and health studies. Contacts for experts in many diseases. Also receive 103 health-related posters, 10 videos, 29 free sample issues of magazines, large section on backache problems and prevention. Also a separate computer program for eye care featuring colorful, detailed images of eyes and actual exercises to help improve eyesight. Largest source of free health-related items in the U.S. (Price - $20.00, includes postage in the U.S. and Canada. Overseas add $2.50 for airmail.) 5.25 HD, 360K or 3.5" IBM/DOS compatible diskettes. 3) VIDEOLIST. Contains names and phone nos., most toll free, of companies offering free computer-related (and some travel and tour-guide) videos. 200 videos! Videos describe products, companies and also colleges. Receive free videos describing many Universities across the U.S. Get a 'tour' of top U.S. colleges at the comfort of your home. Call companies directly from listing. Everything totally free. All free videos guaranteed available or substitute sent. Videos are used for promotion and advertising but you will also learn a lot about computers from them. One company sends, with their video, a $10.00 credit towards your next doctor's visit! NOTE: CompuFreebies registered version lists approx. 19 videos. (Price - $4.25, includes domestic postage. Add 50 cents for overseas airmail) Paper. 4) MAGAZINE LIST. A guide to obtaining 166 free sample issues of magazines and free subscriptions. Get every one with a simple toll free call. Yes, FREE subscriptions - even for a few magazines normally sold in stores. Free sample issues and subscriptions help increase revenue from advertisers and are encouraged. All toll-free phone numbers and descriptions. Contact them directly. All completely legal. All free magazines guaranteed available or substitute sent. Also shows which magazines come with valuable promotions if you decide to subscribe. For example, get 2 disks of 1001 PC Tips - 500 pages worth of valuable tips and help. Includes Windows help. Many other similar offers. Four categories: Computers, Business, General Interest and Health. Many first-rate, well-known magazines including the largest available. Includes all computer magazines with 'PC' in title. Windows, Macintosh, Networks, more. Many investment/financial newsletters. Same publications available on newsstands for $2.50 to $7.00 per issue (more for investment newsletters.) Absolutely no cost to you. Under NO obligation to subscribe. Very easy to request, simple directions. (Price - $4.95, includes postage). Paper. Note: The main difference between this MAGAZINE LIST and the SUBSCRIPTION LIST (see below) is that the SUBSCRIPTION LIST has only computer-related magazines. MAGAZINE LIST has computer and non-computer related magazines. The magazine titles are totally different in both lists. 5) NY HOTELIST. A guide listing 20 of the least expensive and best quality hotels in New York City. All hotel listings guaranteed or substitute sent. All hotels are in safe areas. As a long time NYC resident I know each area and only considered hotels in the safest areas. Lists hotel names, addresses, phone numbers, rates. Hotels in NYC are usually expensive - however, rates listed here are $65 to $130. One hotel has a view of Central Park. (Price - $3.00, includes postage). Paper. Add 50 cents for overseas airmail. Hotels can be called from any phone in the world. 6) PHONELIST. The services described here (totally legal!) have no surcharge when using their calling card. Normally the surcharge is 50 - 90 cents. Make telephone calls without using coins or paying for surcharges from hotels or other places that usually charge extra for calls made from their phones. Never worry about change for a call. Used daily by many businesses, now available for individuals. Receive a coupon for 30 minutes - $4.50 - towards your long distance phone bill. Special plan detailed here also offers 30 minutes each month. NO catches, no hidden charges, no fees, so special times to make calls. Also - learn how to save 15% on all your international calls - no minimums, no fees, no special hours. (Price $4.00, includes postage) Paper. Add 50 cents for overseas airmail. Can only be used in U.S. However, if travelling here will be useful. 7) ON LINE GUIDE. Describes exactly how to get Compuserve and Prodigy membership/startup kits for free - without paying $30.00 to $49.99! Totally legal sources - the companies do not mind at all as they gain more members. Shows exactly how to become a member, using your computer and modem, of the 7 major national on-line services - Compuserve, Prodigy, Genie, America On Line, Delphi, BIX and The Sierra Network. Shows how to get free time on each system including 10 hours for Sierra Network - many live, colorful games! Complete instructions, 800 numbers for customer service, best times to call, complete rates, some inside information, more. All in easy to read 5 page guide. Information not available anywhere else all together in one place. (Price $4.00, includes postage). Paper. Overseas customers: Check locally for sign on procedures. 8) SUMMONS GUIDE. Guaranteed to save you money on parking and speeding fines. Using these methods you will avoid paying at least one future parking summons that you ordinarily would have paid. Everything legal! Shows exactly what to look for on a parking or speeding ticket to reduce the fine or void it completely. What to write in a letter and suggestions on what to say in court. Valid in all 50 states. (Price - $3.75, includes postage). Paper. 9) SUBSCRIPTION LIST See MAGAZINES section on main menu for list of 63 magazines offering free LIFETIME subscriptions. Never pay them anything. All guaranteed free or similar magazine sent as substitute (or $1.00 refunded). Receive special subscription forms from us - $1.00 per magazine. Many excellent computer- related magazines and trade journals. Includes reviews, tips, helpful articles, news, latest in technology, commentary, sources for best prices for computer equipment, more! Note: The main difference between the MAGAZINE LIST and the SUBSCRIPTION LIST is that the SUBSCRIPTION LIST has only computer-related magazines. MAGAZINE LIST has computer and non-computer related magazines. The magazine titles are totally different in both lists. 10) PHOTO IMAGES These hi-quality images are available in 2 parts. PART 1 - a collection of adorable animals with some nature scenes, a breathtaking view from a plane, the Golden Gate bridge, the full moon and Bugs Bunny. Each image is an actual color photo with sharp detail. No special program needed to view these images. 14 photos total. $7.00. PART 2 - a collection of 21 very pretty bikini-clad ladies. Hot bathing suits but no nudity. All very sharp, colorful, hi-quality in various interesting settings and poses both outdoor and indoor. No special program needed to view images. $9.00. Order parts 1 and 2, $14.00. For both parts - receive two 3.5"/5.25" hi density or four 3.5" lo-density disks. 360 K not available. For those with a GIF viewer, GIF images can be sent instead of self-running version. View each photo from a colorful menu, parts 1 and 2. 11) BEST PRICE GUIDE Save money on ALL your computer needs. No matter what item, I'll get it at a lower price. Save money FOREVER on items used constantly. Everything new and from reputable sources. If your lowest price can't be beat, no charge. ALL computer items covered - software, hardware, complete PC's, any printers, diskettes, ribbons, toner cartridges, monitors, hard drive, floppies, cables, keyboards, CD Rom drives, scanners, etc. Also paper supplies, 35 mm film, labels, cleaners, pens, chairs, etc. Do not have to register our shareware to use this service. There are 2 ways in which this works: 1) For those that know exactly the make and model number: On a piece of paper, write down the make, model no., size, quantity, your price (must be verified by phone), date needed by, etc. I will contact you with better price. If you don't like the price, there is no charge. If I can't find the best price no charge. If you DO like the price, I will tell you where and how to purchase it. The charge is 10% of the difference between your price and mine, minimum charge - $5.00. 2) For those that DO NOT have a specific make, model number and/or price: Describe what you'd like and I will quote a price. No charge if you don't like the price. If you DO like the price, the charge is 9% of the total item price (including shipping). This 2nd option is good for those that, e.g. want a laser printer for between $450.00 and $600.00 and the manufacturer is not important. Or, you'd like an H.P. Laser for between $550.00 and $900.00 but not sure of the model. Also used if you want any generic (not name brand) items. Or you can write, "Would like Wordperfect 6.0, please quote me the best price." Save time and effort - we do the shopping for you. On a seperate paper, write your name, address, phone no. after 5:30 pm and (if applicable) make, model no. quantity, your price and store's name/phone, date needed by, etc. Send no money. All orders worked on immediately. Price means item price plus shipping, handling, tax, etc. Indicate if generic (no name brand) is OK. ANY item found - including complete PC systems and common mainframe items. All items I find will be from mail-order companies. Exception - New York City residents can request N.Y.C. stores. Good prices on 35mm film also. Use our email addresses - Internet Compuserve - 71051,3236. MCI, Genie, AOL, and others - use Internet address. * * * Specialized listings can be made. Let us know your requests/needs. Please write/send email if any questions at all. Thanks. Hundreds of satisfied customers have ordered our registered version and other products. Not one complaint! COMMENT FORM - WHAT DID YOU THINK OF THIS FILE? You would really be helping us if you could print out the following comment form and send it in (or send in your comments on your own paper). Your comments and ideas will help us serve you better and make our products more useful. If it can be made better perhaps we can then charge more! (only kidding). To view and print the comment form, go to the main menu and select REGISTRATION & COMMENT FORM. Hit the ESC key to return to the menu. Orders shipped within 48 hours. NOTE: Author of this file is not employed by or associated in any way with any of the companies mentioned here. All product names are the property of the respective companies. (c) COPYRIGHT 1993. LOUIS PUCCIO. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This file, COMPUFREEBIES 4.0, may be copied freely by anyone (EXCEPT onto electronic bulletin board systems) provided that no changes are made to this text file. Make as many copies as necessary. Author must be contacted before copies are made for distribution for sale. Price not to exceed $8.00 per copy. PART 2 - VIDEOS - FOLLOWS REGISTRATION FORM """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" TO PRINT REGISTRATION FORM: """"""""""""""""""""""""""" Hit the ESC key and go to the menu selection - REGISTRATION & COMMENT FORM. Do not hit P here right now, or you will print this entire document of 42 pages. A copy of the registration form is provided here for your convenience to review. Feel free to order any of our paper listings for now while you decide about registering. ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º One last bonus item! º º º º HAMMERMILL DESKTOP PAPERS º º 800 242 2148 º º ASK FOR: FREE SAMPLES OF ONE (OR MORE) OF THE FOLLOWING - º º 1) LASER PRINT PAPER. 2) LASER PLUS PAPER. º º 3) BOND PAPER 4) REGALIA º º Will receive 25 pages of each. If you reach a recording, º º mention exactly what you want and leave name and address. º º º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ Registration form next page: REGISTRATION/ORDER FORM Name..................................Years computer experience........ General area of work?.................... Address...............................................Date shareware disk rec'd?........ Important! Where did you get this shareware file? (Which company?)..................... 1) COMPUFREEBIES - (Registered version).............Copies:___x $20.00 = ______ (1500+ free items, actual software, game demos, Adobe Type Manager, etc.) 2) HEALTHFREEBIES - (Registered version)............Copies:___x $20.00 = ______ (1300+ free items, free health care, samples, posters, magazines, etc.) 3.5" Hi-dens.:___ 3.5" Lo-dens.:___ 5.25" Hi-dens.:___ 5.25" Lo-dens.360k:___ ALL BELOW ARE SENT ON PAPER (Feel free to order any of the following now while you decide whether you wish to register CompuFreebies.) 3) VIDEOLIST.............200 free videos...........Copies:____x $4.25 = _______ 4) PHONELIST........Avoid calling card fees........Copies:____x $4.00 = _______ 5) NY HOTELIST.......Inexpensive,quality hotels)...Copies:____x $3.00 = _______ 6) ON LINE GUIDE.......Avoid $25-$30 startup fees..Copies:____x $4.00 = _______ 7) SUMMONS GUIDE.......(Avoid payment - legally)...Copies:____x $3.75 = _______ 8) MAGAZINE LIST..........(166 free magazines).....Copies:____x $4.95 = _______ - PART 1 (Nature/Animals)..$7.00. GIF version? 3.5"? 5.25?" 9) PHOTO IMAGES - PART 2 (PG rated women)..$9.00. Y N hi lo hi - Parts 2 & 3 = $14.00. = _______ Important! Please tell us where you received this shareware file. Write company name here or at top of form. Obtained from:_____________________ We accept Visa/Mastercard, personal check (U.S. funds, U.S. banks only), postal money order, made payable to Louis Puccio or Infolist. 10) SUBSCRIPTION LIST.....Receive 63 free lifetime subscriptions. On lines below, write down the code nos. of the magazines you want. See main menu - (MAGAZINES) for list of available magazines. .......................................... How many subscriptions ordered?____ .......................................... x $1.00 .......................................... = _______ .......................................... s.lab .......................................... 11) BEST PRICE GUIDE.....(See catalog - use reverse or your paper.) VISA/MASTERCARD CARD PAYMENTS: (Card charged when order is shipped). Please print clearly. Card Number:__________________________________ Expiration Date:___________ Circle One: Visa? Mastercard? Signature______________________________________________________ MAIL TO: TOTAL ORDER $______ INFOLIST LOUIS PUCCIO 90 CHURCH ST. BOX 2517 Note: If you like, cut out this address and place on your NY, NY 10008 envelope. Or, copy EXACTLY as it appears here ........................................................................ :[]::[]::[]::[]::[]::[]::[]::[]::[]::[]::[]::[]::[]::[]::[]::[]::[]::[]: ::::'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''':::: :[]: SHAREWARE CONCEPT :[]: ::::................................................................:::: :[]::[]::[]::[]::[]::[]::[]::[]::[]::[]::[]::[]::[]::[]::[]::[]::[]::[]: ::::'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''':::: :::: :::: :[]: We hope that you have enjoyed this shareware product. Please :[]: :::: Support the shareware concept and send in the registration fee :::: :[]: if you have found this file useful. Shareware is perhaps the :[]: :::: only software sold on a 'try before you buy' basis. This means :::: :[]: that developing all the many inexpensive programs available :[]: :::: depends upon individuals registering what they've found useful.:::: :::: :::: ::::................................................................:::: :[]::[]::[]::[]::[]::[]::[]::[]::[]::[]::[]::[]::[]::[]::[]::[]::[]::[]: '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Comments, ideas, suggestions, etc. - please send email or write on a separate paper. Or use our comment form. We appreciate your thoughts and comments about this shareware product. EMAIL ADDRESSES ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º Internet: Genie: L.Puccio º º º º Compuserve: 71051,3236 A O L(PC Link): Bdybilder º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ Compuserve and MCI Mail users can send email to the Internet address above. There may be other systems which can also do this. I can always be reached on the Internet. Send mail to my Internet address if cannot reach me at other addresses. Mail address: ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º INFOLIST º º LOUIS PUCCIO º º 90 CHURCH ST.º º BOX 2517 º º NY, NY 10008 º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ Sysops, BBS owners, club Presidents and anyone who would like to upload or copy this file: """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" The file you have now is not for posting on BBS's as it would be impossible to update this file later. I can send a special version for your needs, for example, to be used as a menu selection. Some BBS's have done this. Please erase any earlier versions named FREEBIES.ZIP. if you happen to have it on your BBS. Anyone may make a copy of this shareware file you have now for club members, friends, co-workers etc. Please send a note (or use e-mail addresses below) with the name, phone and description of your organization. (To all sysops, club presidents: Feel free to sign me up for a free life membership!.....No? 20 years then? (Only kidding.) SHAREWARE COMPANY OWNERS/REVIEWERS: """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Must contact me first before including this file in your catalog. This is so I can send updates and know who carries my disk. Feel free to send your catalog, if you like. Better yet, send some free disks!..... Only kidding! Please do not alter this text in any way! """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Thanks! ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º PART 2 º º º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ *********************************************************************** FREE VIDEOS *********************************************************************** 9 companies offering 10 free videos are listed here. Title of each video and brief descriptions are included. These videos are mainly computer-related and describe products made by each company. Ask for extension, if listed, or request by video title. If you reach an operator, give the extension number (if listed) or ask for the title of the video. Videos arrive in re-usable boxes and can be recorded over after viewing. If anyone asks how you heard about the video mention Infolist catalog. If you're told that the video is no longer available, call back later. Often a different person may be more cooperative. If calling a second time and are asked how you heard about the video mention a major computer magazine, or that you're not sure how you learned about it but had written down the company's phone number. You should rarely encounter such difficulty but I mention it just in case. * * * CLUB MED - 800 258 2633 Press 3. Ask for Cruise Desk. Title: CLUB MED CRUISE SHIP VIDEO. Ask for general information on their cruise ship. Video describes their large cruise ship and vacations. CHRISTIAN CHILDREN'S FUND - 800 228 2221. Ask for: General Info on Christian Children's Fund. Will receive general information showing how you can help children all over the world. Be sure to say that you'd like the video along with the general information. Note: Money Magazine rated this charity as one of the 10 best in America. MAUI RESORT - 800 292 4532. Leave message if you reach recording. Title: LEISURE VIDEO - MAUI RESORT Describes this Hawaiian island hotel. To print any part of this listing, hold down the Shift key and press HEWLETT PACKARD 800 752 0900 Print Scrn key. Press 1, then 2. Leave a message or hold for Customer Service. Title: LASERJET FAMILY VIDEO Describes all their laser printers. If necessary, mention stock no. 5091-2487 EUS. ALDUS CORP. 800 333 2538 Title: INTELLIDRAW VIDEO Intellidraw is a drawing/paint type of software. Works with images and photos to convert or edit. Can also create your own images. Video shows some basics of drawing/painting on a computer. OLDSMOBILE - 800 354 3228. Title: INDEPENDENT TEST VIDEO. Describes features of the Achieva model automobile. SMUGGLER'S NOTCH RESORTS - 800 451 8752. Reservation Dept. Title: SMUGGLER'S NOTCH VIDEO. Describes a family resort in State of Vermont. WORDPERFECT - 800 451 5151 Title: WORDPERFECT FOR WINDOWS VIDEO Describes their word processing program for use with Windows. Ask for stock code: VPUSWWP52, if necessary. Title: OFFICE. Describes their email software. APPLE COMPUTER - 800 441 3001. Extension 671. Title: IN BUSINESS WITH MACINTOSH. Video comes with discount coupons for Apple-related products. FOR EVEN MORE VIDEOS! """"""""""""""""""""" If you liked this 2nd part you might consider Videolist, another of our products. It is organized in the same way you see here but includes many more videos and companies - 200 free videos! Even the phone call is free. Many of these videos are not advertised and this is the only place you'll know about them. It's the largest centralized source of free videos in the U.S. Also shows how to receive videos describing top colleges throughout the U.S. Take a 'tour' of some of the best Universities at the comfort of your home. Please see order form and catalog ordering info. We've had many orders with no complaints at all. Do not worry about receiving out of date phone numbers or companies. Everything is constantly updated! More videos are added as they become available so you may receive more than 200. All videos guaranteed. Substitutes made if any video is not available. IMPORTANT þ When ordering or writing to us please print your return address on the order form. Also, mention where you found this shareware file that you have now. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Please use comment form (or your own paper) ³ ³ for any comments. We appreciate your thoughts and ³ ³ comments about this shareware version. ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º º º !!!! SUPPORT THE SHAREWARE CONCEPT !!!! º º º º All the many shareware files available º º have come about through hard work and º º depend mainly on contributions from º º users. It's a great system as there are º º no heavy advertising or other costs as º º with store-bought shareware. These º º savings are passed on to you. º º But to continue offering these º º inexpensive products, shareware authors º º rely on people to register if they have º º found the file useful. º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ JOKES - SEE NEXT PAGE. Read the following section if you're interested in learning more about demo disks. WHAT ARE DEMO DISKS AND THEIR ADVANTAGES? Demo disks are given away as part of advertising and promotion efforts, especially for new products. Most are similar to slide shows and you watch colorful screens magically appear. They show an example of the features found in the commercial program. The term 'self-running demo' is often used and means the same as a 'demo' or 'demo disk.' A working model does more than a self- running demo disk. It is almost the very same as the company's software sold for a lot of money. Unlike self-running or interactive demos, with a working model you can actually use many of the same features of the actual, expensive program. Each company's working model has unique limitations; most do not allow saving and/or printing. For obvious reasons, there must be limitations or companies would in effect be giving away their software. However, some companies are more generous than others with usable features on the working model. One company's working model (found in the registered version) allows design of up to 30 IC's (Integrated Circuits) for printed circuit boards. Our registered version lists all of Microsoft's working models including Windows. The working model of Windows 3.0 actually allows use of Windows in the lowest operating mode. For many people this may be good enough. You'll actually be able to use powerful Windows features. As you can see, working models are very powerful. Many demos and other items are not advertised in magazines so Compufreebies is the only place you'll know about most of them. You don't have to pay for or return anything. Demos are sent on re-usable 3.5" or 5.25" diskettes. High density and 3.5" diskettes can be expensive, as you know. Demos are very valuable in revealing a great deal about the actual software. They will answer many questions such as: A) exactly how the screens are organized and will appear on the commercial version B) how easy will it be to maneuver around, and C) where to locate the features YOU feel are important (not only those which advertisements describe). D) reveal quality of paper manuals and documentation. If the directions and documentation supplied with the demo disk (especially working models) are easy to use, then there's a good chance that the actual program will have the same qualities. E) quality of help screens and company support. How well are questions answered about materials received when you call the company? You'll see exactly how much on-screen help is provided. F) compare one or more software products easily and quickly. You'll be more certain as to which is the best software for your needs - without having to take a chance on a purchase. Often many magazines rate software and choose 2 programs as the best. You can further compare these 2 quickly on your own computer. I'm sure there are a lot more than these 6 points but the usefulness of demo disks in evaluating software should be quite clear. Demos offer many advantages over buying the actual, expensive software for review, for example, some computer/M.I.S. depts. cannot get quick authorization for purchase of a wide variety of actual software. Other problems are: Forms to be completed, red tape, waiting for approval, installation time, returns problems (IF allowed) such as keeping track of return dates, packing, postage, potential loss of items, 're-stocking fees', etc. All this makes it very difficult to review a lot of very good software. At least for preliminary reviews, demo disks are a good idea. The actual software program can always be reviewed later on. Once again, thank you for selecting and reviewing this file! We value all our customers and are committed to quality. I am sure you and\or your organization will find this unique product helpful. You will definitely and without question get back more than your investment - not only in material goods, but in gain of knowledge and learning. The value of reliable knowledge is quite high and always pays back good dividends. - Louis Puccio, President. INFOLIST. SHAREWARE LAUGHS """""""""""""""" Following are some jokes and humor straight from my computer to yours. I always say that we can never laugh too much. Well, that's not always true...I also say other things besides that... Oh well, you know what I mean. Enjoy! PS: After reading these jokes, some of you may feel a more appropriate title for this section would be Shareware Groans. Can't please everyone! If you like, submit your own favorite joke or funny story. If used in this space, will send some surprise freebies. * * * A student came home from class and his mother asked, "What did you learn in algebra class today, son?" "Well, I learned Pi R Square," replied the boy. "Now, hold on there, son; everybody knows that pie are round" Didja hear about the cow that caught such a cold she gave nothing but ice cream? What are microchips ? A. Little bitty highway patrolmen B. What you eat with microdip C. What a herd of micros leave on the prairie On a bright, warm spring day, a certain resident of East Indian origin was shaking his rug on his front porch. A passerby saw him, couldn't help himself and blurted, "What is the problem? Can't get it started?" A rock band's drummer thought he would make a good policeman, he was used to pounding a beat. A taxi driver is a man who drives away customers. These two guys just arrived in America and decide to buy their first jigsaw puzzle. It takes them six months to finish it. One guy says, "Let's have a party to celebrate our accomplishment." So they invite their friends over for a party and one of the guests asks, "What are we celebrating guys?" The guys reply, as they're pointing to their accomplishment on the table, "We put together our first jigsaw puzzle and it only took us six months!" The guest says, "What is so special about that? It doesn't look very difficult." The guys reply, "Well, the cover of the box said '3 to 5 years'." Author unknown: I walked into a pizza place down the street from where I use to live. I was with a friend and we could not decide what kind of pizza we wanted. We decided to get a half of one kind and half another. "Give us a large vegetarian pizza, but put pepperoni on half". The guy behind the counter VERY straight faced and quite serious asked: "Which half would you like the pepperoni on?" Without missing a beat, I said "The right half!" He wrote "Pepperoni on the right half" on the tag and handed it to the guy who makes the pizzas. That guy smiled a bit and proceeded to make us our pizza. About 20 minutes later they called my name. When I went to pick up the pizza I noticed that it was sitting so that the pepperoni was to my right but the counter person's left. I could not resist. I said "Hey, I wanted the pepperoni on the right side not the left side!" This taught me not to be such a smart ass in the future. The clerk, looking worried, grabbed the pizza and tossed it into the trash saying "Damn, I'm sorry, they must have made a mistake. We will make you another one right now!" 25 minutes later, I kept quiet and ate the pizza! My friend and I did laugh about it for quite some time. Especially when the clerk gave us each a free beer and said he was sorry for the mistake and that we had to wait!!!! This piece of string walks into a bar, and says "Ouch!" He asks the bartender for a drink. The bartender says "Hey, we don't allow string in here. You'll have to leave." The string gets up and walks out. Later he decides to try it again. This time he ties himself in a knot around the middle and cuts the end of the string by his head. He goes back in the bar and orders a drink. The bartender says "Hey, are you a string?" The string says "No, I'm a frayed knot." Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall Humpty Dumpty had a great fall All the kings horses and all the kings men Said what the heck, its only an egg! Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall Humpty Dumpty had a great fall All the kings horses and all the kings men Had scrambled eggs for the next two weeks! I just heard about a group of US tourists who came back from the Soviet Union. They visited Lenin's Tomb, which is one of the most important monuments in the Kremlin. Although the line was long, the foreigners were allowed to go to the front of the line. As they were allowed to enter, one 20 year old woman was not allowed to go in because she wore a short sleeved blouse. (It was in the summer) She couldn't figure out why such a rule existed. Later on, she asked her travel guide about the rule, and was told that the Soviet constitution does not guarantee the right to bare arms. Some from the 8th annual Ten-Best Stressed Puns competition: A man discovered that a blood vessel on his wife's forehead would enlarge as the barometric pressure fell. He learned soon to predict rainstorms by observing her weather vein. Mr. Greenjeans said to Mr. Bluejeans, "Me? I like to wake up with the rooster. How about you?" Mr. Bluejeans shook his head, "Naw, I prefer sleeping in my own bed." "My Uncle is in Leavenworth because he made big money." "How much?" "About a third of an inch too big." Officer: Are you happy now that you are in the Army? Soldier: Yes sir! Officer: What were you before you got into the Army? Soldier: Much happier! To meet a project deadline, some programmers worked overtime for several weeks. On the final evening, one programmer said: "Boss, do you have a copy of the latest IRS tax regulations? There's something I want to look up." "What's that?" said the boss. "Use of the office as a home." PROBLEM SOLVING PROCESS YES ___________________________ NO _____________/ Does the Darn Thing work? \____________ | \___________________________/ | | | | | ____v_____ ____v____ | Don't | / Did you \ | mess | ----YES---| mess | | with it! | | | with it | |__________| | \_________/ | | | NO | _________ | | | / Does \ | | | NO | anyone |<--------------- | | ----| know? | | | | \_________/ | | | | YES | | ___v____ |____________ | | | HIDE | | | | | IT | | _____v_____ | |______| | YES / WILL THEY \ | | |-----------------| CATCH YOU?| | | | \___________/ | | | | NO | | | | | | ______v_______ _____v______ | |---------- NO / CAN YOU BLAME \ |DESTROY THE | | | | SOMEONE ELSE? | | EVIDENCE | | | \_______________/ |____________| | | | YES | | | | | | | v | | | ============================= | | ------>|| N O ||<------- |-------------->|| P R O B L E M || ============================= FUN FACTS """"""""" The following is from my file of 'fun' and general facts. I add to this when I come across a magazine or newspaper article with something interesting or unique: Dave Kunst walked around the world in 4 1/2 years covering 15,000 miles. He ended in Newport Beach, California in October 1974. Longest car in the world is in New York and costs $80,000. It has 2 sofas, TV, stereo, 2 fridges, bar and 3 phones. It's 27 ft. long. The distance between the wingtips of a Boeing 747 is longer than the flight first made by the Wright Bros. Walter Diemer invented bubble gum in 1928. Everyone said the idea was crazy. When asked why bubble gum is pink he said, 'It was the only coloring I had at the time.' Kangaroos received their names when Captain Cook's crew asked Australian aborigines what those strange creatures hopping about were. They answered, 'Kangaroo,' which means 'What are you saying?' In 1978 a 37 year old man, Yukihoro Isa, climbed 12,388 Mount Fuji in 5 days. He was paralyzed from the waist down and did it in a one horsepower wheelchair. World's Longest Walk - He walked 19,019 miles in 7 years, from Tierra del Fuego in S. America to Alaska's shores. Some names of actual towns: Disco, Wisconsin - Waltz, Michigan Carefree, Arizona - Panic, Pennsylvania Normal, Illinois - Peculiar, Missouri Sunrise, Wyoming - Sunset, Louisiana Lively, Virginia - Drab, Pennsylvania Why, Arizona - Whynot, Mississippi Ball Ground, Georgia Baseline, Calif. Centerfield, Utah Diamond, Missouri Fence, Wisconsin Fly, Ohio Homer, Louisiana Pitcher, NY Sunfield, Michigan Umpire, Arkansas Elvis Presley's Favorite snack was a fried peanut butter and banana sandwich. Thomas Crapper - 1837 - 1910. A sanitary engineer who invented the valve-and-siphon arrangement that made the modern toilet possible. The busiest U.S. intersection: the junction of Interstate 10 (Santa Monica Freeway) and Interstate 405 (San Diego Freeway). An average of 513,000 vehicles use it every day. NUMBER OF TELEPHONE POLLS IN U.S. - AS OF 1989: Alabama - 435,266 Connecticut - 388,627 Idaho - 60,840 Alaska - 394 (least) Delaware - 45,303 Illinois - 737,728 Arizona - 167,202 D.C. - 17,458 Indiana - 522,940 Arkansas - 164,141 Florida - 635,506 Iowa - 106,175 California - 1,783,465 (most) Georgia - 426,207 Kansas - 166,145 Colorado - 216,268 Hawaii - 140,675 Kentucky - 446,403 Louisiana - 287,082 Ohio - 1,212,887 Maine - 236,376 Oklahoma - 282,144 Maryland - 341,271 Oregon - 168,630 Massachusetts - 644,852 Pennsylvania - 1,275,520 Michigan - 660,291 Rhode Island - 134,408 Minnesota - 144,238 South Carolina - 171,615 Mississippi - 260,717 South Dakota - 20,293 Missouri - 533,598 Tennessee - 515,516 Montana - 56,198 Texas - 1,290,977 Nebraska - 60,590 Utah - 87,104 Nevada - 75,190 Vermont - 141,997 New Hampshire - 216,699 Virginia - 542,970 New Jersey - 640,162 Washington - 366,826 New Mexico - 84,918 West Virginia - 315,630 New York - 1,469,917 (2nd most) Wisconsin - 231,594 North Carolina - 403,983 Wyoming - 37,283 North Dakota - 15,214 Total - 19,387,333 About 50 million hot dogs are consumed in the U.S. every day! Walter Nilson, on a dare from Robert "Believe It Or Not" Ripley, unicycled across the U.S. from New York City to San Francisco covering 3,306 miles in 117 days without falling once. Chief M.K.O. Abiola, the head of a tribe in Nigeria is a billionaire. He pays for the college education of any Nigerian who asks him. CAN'T COUNT In Cranston, R.I., Donald M. Thomas, 34, escaped in March after serving 89 days of a 90-day jail sentence for disorderly conduct and thus now faces up to 20 years in prison. Well, this is it! This is really the end of this file... :> (c) COPYRIGHT 1993. LOUIS PUCCIO. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This file, FREEBIES 4.0, may be copied freely by anyone (EXCEPT onto electronic bulletin board systems) provided that no changes are made to this text file. Make as many copies as necessary. Author must be contacted before copies are made for distribution for sale. Price not to exceed $8.00 per copy.